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Abstract Topic: Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering

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A Literaure Review of Brain Decoding Research
Rolly Maulana Awangga, Tati Latifah L.R. Mengko, Nugraha Priya Utama

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Rolly Maulana Awangga

Sekolah Teknik Elektro Informatika
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Brain Decoding is a popular topic in neuroscience. The purpose is how to reconstruct an object that came from a sensory system using brain activity data. There is three brain area generally use in brain decoding research. The somatosensory area generally using mice and touch they whisker. Auditory area using different sound frequency as stimuli. The visual area using shape, random image, and video. Take one example in the visual cortex. Using the retinotopic mapping concept, the object possible to reconstruct using visual cortex activity recorded by fMRI. Retinotopic mapping focus is to relate fMRI records into visual objects seen by the subject. This possibilities of brain decoding research come to the next level when combining using deep learning. The image seen by the subject can bee reconstructed by using visual cortex activity. Make reconstruction come faster and realistic to predict the stimuli. This opportunity is opening the era of the brain-computer interface. Combine a method to analyze brain functionality related to the human sensory. Bring hope and increased human quality of life. This paper reviews research in the field of brain encoding. Divide into three sections, the first section is brain decoding research in somatosensory. The second section is brain decoding in the auditory cortex. For the last section, explain visual cortex reconstruction. Every section includes equipment devices to record brain activity and the source of datasets and methods to get the brain activity data.

Brain decoding, mid reading, brain mapping, deep learning

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


A real time non-invasive infant dehydration monitoring device
Andre Subagja Manurung (a*), Fathiya Rahma (a), Novianti Rossalina (b),

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Andre Subagja Manurung

(a) School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Dehydration is a deficit of total body water. Dehydration can cause physiological problems, and even lead to death, especially for vulnerable groups such as infants and toddlers. Indonesias Basic Health Research notes that 31.4% of infant deaths and 25.2% of Indonesian under-five deaths are caused by digestive disorders that can cause severe dehydration, namely diarrhea. Moreover, the management of diarrhea in Indonesia is still low. At present, simple detection of dehydration is done with a skin turgor test. However, this test can only detect relatively severe dehydration, which may introduce delay in handling dehydration. Another more accurate method is the plasma osmolality test, which is invasive, carried out by experts in the laboratory, and the results cannot be obtained in real time. Therefore, we need a non-invasive device that can monitor fluid levels in the babys body in real time, determine the percentage and degree of dehydration, and can provide education on handling dehydration in infants. In this paper we describe the development of NIXIE, a device that can non-invasively detect infant-s dehydration level. The device works by using sensors to measure temperature, heart rate, and bioelectric impedance. The three sensor readings are integrated in the formula so that the percentage of dehydration is obtained. This percentage will determine the degree of dehydration. Based on the degree of dehydration, appropriate dehydration treatment can be done. Initial testing to fasting adults has indicated a positive relationship between sensor measurements and degree of dehydration.

dehydration, infants, bioelectrical impedance, temperature, heart rate

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Biomechanical Analysis on Human Gait and Posture for Development of Floating Backpack System
Narendra Kurnia Putra, Harmein Khagi, Andar Bagus Sriwarno, Suprijanto

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Narendra Kurnia Putra

1 Medical Instrumentation Laboratory, Instrumentation and Control Research Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Gd. T.P. Rachmat (Labtek VI), ITB Ganesa Campus, Jl. Ganesa no 10, Bandung, Indonesia.

2 Ergonomic Laboratory, Human and Industrial Product Design Research Group, Faculty of Art and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung
CADL Building, ITB Ganesa Campus, Jl. Ganesa no 10, Bandung, Indonesia.

Floating backpack system or also known as suspended-load backpack has been known as a new type of backpack which able to reduce the effect of impact force from the loads carried in the backpack while walking or running. Particularly on the application for military or rescue team, this new backpack design claimed to improve the comfort and reduce the burden on the skeletal muscle as well as the risk of injury. In this research, we try to assess the biomechanics performance of our novel floating backpack design on reducing the impact force on the wearer by firstly analyzing the human gait cycle and posture adjustment. This analysis conducted by motion analysis method which able to track the change of position of certain points while walking and running. We tracked several points on the volunteer-s lower extremity and analyze its kinematics information throughout the walk and running cycle with a different pace and velocity. From this data, we try to get the standard gait model as an mechanical input force for the floating backpack system. Furthermore, with this 3D analysis we can also analyze the posture adjustment as the balancing mechanism of human body to compensate the different forces from the different state of walking-running cycle. A sinusoidal pattern with a frequency of 2-3 Hz are measured on the transition phase of walking and running, while the maximum amplitude was vary on throughout each cycle phase.

Floating Backpack, Kinematics, Biomechanics, Motion Analysis

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Characterizing Brain Waves Dynamics in Working Memory Process
Fifi Veronica1*, Hanna G1, L. Fitri2, Suprijanto3, Aldi Fernando4, Galih Nadhova4, Hilsa4

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Fifi Veronica

1Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung
2School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institue of Technology
3Engineering Physics Department, Bandung Institue of Technology
4 Undergraduate Student, Bandung Islamic University

Background Terminology working memory often used to describe the whole process of structure in memory, including executive function, which all information retains and uses in temporary period. Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the tools in neuroscience research to investigate neuronal process in different condition, as well as working memory process. Results in this study hopefully provide baseline data for another neurofeedback research in cognitive process. Material & Methods Using the Muse, a portable low cost and wireless four-channel EEG headband, we record 27 students at 4th grade elementary school in Jatinangor. The brain waves δ and β bands are record while they get memory span task. The student will record in base 1, read 1, interphase1, recall 1, base 2, read 2 , interphase2, recall 2. Results and Discussion In this study, we report sex related changes δ and β trends bands in EEG power as peak frequency for both frontal and temporoparietal sites, in several condition task in working memory process. In female students increasing trends for δ and β in recalling process higher than male students. We discuss our finding probability sex related chages their attentional and emotional in working memory process.

Working memory, alpha & beta frequency, Muse EEG

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Design and Implementation of Current Sources and Phantoms for Electrical Impedance Tomography
Edward Emanuel Alexander, Farkhad Ihsan Hariadi, Hasballah Zakaria

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Farkhad Hariadi

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jln. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Abstract - Device Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is an imagery tool that produces cross-sectional imagery of a distribution object based on its conductivity or resistivity. Conductivity can be obtained by using electric voltage distribution data. In order for the electric voltage distribution data to be obtained, a current source with a stable value and a frequency determined to flow through the electrode circuit. The current source used on this device will produce a current value of 1mA with a frequency of 50kHz. This series of current sources is designed by using the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) feature of the microcontroller system as an input signal generator which is then converted into a current source in the Voltage Control Current Source (VCCS) circuit. The generated current will be injected into a series of electrodes composed of 32 metal plates arranged in a circle in a container. The metal used must have good conductivity so that it can flow the current well.

EIT, DAC, VCCS, Microcontroller system, electrode circuit

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Design, Manufacture, and Testing of an Affordable Taylor Spatial Frame External Fixator
F. Ferryanto (a), Nandy A. Fauzy (a), Andi Isra Mahyuddin (a*), Tatacipta Dirgantara (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ferryanto Ferryanto

a) Mechanical Design Research Group
b) Lightweight Structure Research Group

Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jalan Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA

*Corresponding author email: aim[at]

Bone fractures due to accidents are very common occurrences and could cause permanent disability if not treated properly. An external fixation device may be used to keep fractured bones stabilized and in alignment. The device could be adjusted externally to ensure the bones remain in an optimal position during the healing process. Recently, alternative designs based on Stewart Platform, the Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF), have been developed with objective to correct complex fractures or bone pathologies. However, the TSF is rarely available in Indonesia and not affordable by most hospitals. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop an affordable External Bone Fixator TSF. In the design process, a set of Design Requirement and Objective (DR&O) was formulated. The concept design was developed based on the DR&O and finalized to detail design. Static analysis using ANSYS was employed to ensure the strength of TSF. Then, the TSF was manufactured by using material AA7075 T6 and SS304. To assess the functionality of TSF, the kinematics assessment was conducted. Bone deformation parameters were measured in the anteroposterior, lateral, and axial view. The parameters are then used as input in the previously developed software, to obtain the length of each strut to position the fractured bone. The length of strut was used to shift the TSF until the fracture bone was completely joined. The relative displacement was measured to obtain the error which is 1 – 3 mm. Therefore, it could be concluded that the TSF has been successfully developed.

Bone Fracture, Mechanical Design, Taylor Spatial Frame, External Fixation

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Development of a Low-cost Near-Infrared Spectrometer for Vaccine Sample Analysis: Obtaining Spectral Characteristics of Vaccine
Hazna Hanifa(1,2), Allya P. Koesoema(2,3), Yoke S. Irawan(2,3), Soegijardjo Soegijoko(1,2)

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Corresponding Author
Hazna Hanifa

[1]. Electrical Eng. Dept., Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
[2]. Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES), Bandung, Indonesia
[3]. Biomedical Engineering Dept., Institut Teknologi Bandung

According to World Health Organization, vaccines helps the body-s immune system to recognize and fight pathogens like viruses or bacteria, which then keeps us safe from the diseases. About 20 million worldwide do not have vaccination, thus putting them at risk of serious diseases. In 2018, Indonesia faced a problem of fake vaccines distribution that caused community worry. To contribute in solving these issues, we need a device which could detect fake vaccines and the condition of vaccines, i.e. whether it is still in good condition. One of the potential methods is by observing the spectrum properties of the vaccine. SCiO Spectrometer works in wavelength range between 740-1070 nm and the object-s wavelength characteristics will be detected by photodiode as the sensor. By scanning the samples with SCiO device, the results will be delivered to the smart phone by Bluetooth connection. We measured six varieties of real vaccine with two condition and four types of fake vaccine, each with its own characteristics. The results concern on the different value of the light absorbance on every sample condition. Vaccines with stale condition have a bigger point of absorbance rather than the good one, the number is variety from 0.2–0.5 absorbance level. While the fake vaccines resulting below than 0.2 point absorbance level. Moreover, the shape of the wavelength also showed different patterns between the two kinds of objects. Using the regression SPSS software package parameters, a new simple microcontroller-based near-infrared spectrometer will be developed.

Bluetooth, NIR Spectrometer, Smartphone, Vaccine, Wavelength, SPSS.

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Development of Cloud-computing based, Wearable Device for Fitness Monitoring
Thariq Ramadhan, Muhamad Falih, Ivy Averina, Farkhad Ihsan Hariadi

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Farkhad Hariadi

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jln. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132
e-mail: hariadi[at]

With the change of lifestyle, there is significant reduction of physical activity within society. It is imperative to encourage people to do more outdoor physical exercises with monitored pace. Fitness tracker devices available in the market are relatively still expensive. In this research work, a wearable instrumentation system capable of monitoring physical activities such as walking or running is developed. The instrument is equipped by a number of sensors, including body-temperature sensor, heart-rate sensor, accelerometer and gyro, and elevation sensor. The heart rate sensor provides the vital data related to the level of exercise being performed. The data from these sensors are processed by a battery operated microcontroller. The data from each sensor can be uploaded into a cloud computing platform, so that the user can evaluate the progress of his or her fitness

fitness monitoring, accelerometer, heart rate sensor, elevation sensor, cloud computing

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Development of Drone Applications for Enhancing Emergency Medical Services During and After Disasters in Indonesia
Muhammad Luthfi Naufal1, 2, 4, Ratna Susana2, 3, 4, Soegijardjo Soegijoko2, 3, 4

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Luthfi Naufal

[1]. Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung
[2]. Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES)
[3]. Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung
[4]. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Background: Indonesia is a disaster prone country, such as: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides, and man-made forest fires. After typical disaster, emergency medical services are needed, but a number of challenges should be overcome. Meanwhile, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) have been available in the country to help overcoming these challenges and enhancing the medical services in need. Purpose: The research has the following objectives: To review the technical specifications and capabilities of different types of drones currently available in the market. To enhance and newly develop derived disaster applications, especially drones with camera. To design and develop new disaster applications for enhancing emergency medical services. Method: To carefully review the technical specifications of the existing drones suitable for disaster applications and emergency medical services. To design and develop drone applications for enhancing emergency medical services, particularly related to do preliminary aerial survey and transmitting the acquired images to the medical team, as well as to significantly enhance specific emergency medical services after disasters. Results: Based on our experience in working with currently available drones, we are pretty sure that the preliminary aerial survey mission could be achieved. More specific drone applications for carrying important emergency medical logistics will need further design steps and field experiments. Conclusions: Encouraging results on the drone applications for enhancing the emergency medical services during & after disasters are very much expected. When the maximum payload is below 1 kg, important emergency medical logistics such as medicines, vaccines and blood packs could also be achieved.

drone, uav, emergency, paramedics, medical logistics, disaster

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Development of Reusable Microfluidic Chamber as a Sample Container for Sensor Platform
Marvel Sugi Hartono (a*), Lavita Nuraviana Rizalputri (a), Raih Rona Althof (a), Isa Anshori (a) and Brian Yuliarto (b)(c)

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Corresponding Author
Lavita Rizalputri

a) Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
c) Research Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Microfluidic is a technology capable of manufacturing and miniaturize a device with a chamber inside, hence, fluids can go through. Concept of microfluidic brought an integrated system in a micro size platform that can operates as well as conventional laboratory. In this project, microfluidic was used as a platform for a sample to react with electrodes placed inside the microfluidic. Our work is interesting as our platform can be cleaned and reuse again. Microfluidic was made by using PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxane) and its curing agent. The container for microfluidic resin was made by using acrylic that has been laser cut. The chamber (master mold) for microfluidic was designed from polyimide tape and then being cut by using cutting sticker machine. Microfluidic platform composed of two sides which held together by magnets placed around it. The fluidic test was conducted by injecting liquids through the inlet using micropipette. During the process, we observed whether there is any leakage in the microfluidic. Microfluidic can be cleaned by opening its layer and wipe it out using distilled water and ethanol. To find out whether microfluidic does not affect the electrochemical measurements of the electrodes, a comparison of cyclic voltammetry (CV) results when using and not using microfluidic was being done. It was found that the changes that occurred were not noticeable. In addition, stability tests and the effect of scan-rate changes on the CV curves are also performed to prove that the electrodes and microfluidics can be an intact platform for measurement.

microfluidic, miniaturize, PDMS, reusable, Lab on Chip, biosensor platform

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Development of Semiautomatic Application Prototype to Identify G-Banded Normal Human Karyotype
Pradita Maulia(a.1), Kevin (b.2), Marselina Irasonia Tan (a.3), Nugraha Priya Utama (b.4)

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Corresponding Author
pradita maulia

(a) School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
1 pradita.maulia[at]
3 marsel[at]
(b) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
2 kevin18.liem[at]
4 utama[at]

Karyotype is a complete image of chromosomes which arranged according to the length, number, shape, and banded of an individual cells chromosomes. Generally, the karyotype is performed by taking the chromosome image at metaphase, cutting out, and identifying each chromosome image based on G-banded manually. This process consumes a lot of time, energy, and inconsistency result. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an application which helps the karyotyping process automatically or at least semi-automatically. In this experiment, we proposed a semi-automatic karyotyping process by utilizing image processing techniques of normal human karyotype. The development of semiautomatic application prototype includes three steps, they were preprocessed of chromosome image, feature extraction of chromosome image, and utilized tools to facilitate the users. The methods which used in preprocessed of chromosome image are gamma enhancement, bilateral filtering, adaptive thresholding, and flood-fill algorithms. The feature extraction of chromosome image is used to extract the morphological features, which will measure the chromosome based on length and pair of chromosomes using skeletonize method. Functionality tools join and cut for users to modify the results of segmentation chromosome image has been successfully created. Based on the analytical result, it can be concluded that the proposed method can provide a relatively good representation of the chromosomes to assist the further chromosome analysis process.

Chromosome; Karyotyping; Image processing; Semiautomatic application

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Effect of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) on p62 and LC3 Gene Expression in Cerebrum of Wistar Rat
Titing Nurhayati1,2, Mauiza Arkan Mahendra3,Yuni Susanti Pratiwi1,2, Ronny Lesmana1,2 Hanna Goenawan1,2, Keri Lestari4, Unang Supratman2,5

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Corresponding Author
Mauiza Arkan Mahendra

1Physiology Division, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia.
2Physiology Molecular Laboratory, Biological Activity Division, Central Laboratory, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia.
3Undergraduate Program Medical Doctor, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia.
4Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia.
5Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor 45363, Indonesia.

Aging leads to the progression of degenerative diseases. Degenerative disease is not curable in some extent but mostly preventable. Nutmeg has shown its effect to prevent sarcopenia-one of degenerative disease-by altering the process of autophagy thus increasing muscle mass. However, there is limited information about the effect of nutmeg on the process of autophagy in the brain especially cerebrum. Measuring the effect of nutmeg consumption on p62 and LC3 expression-which is the important biomarker of autophagy-in cerebrum is the objective of this research. This research is conducted by quantitative analytical methods using animal experiment. The rat was given nutmeg extract per oral. RNA are extracted from cerebrum samples to undergo PCR and Electrophoresis procedure to determine the level of p62 and LC3 gene expression in regards to the process of autophagy.

Aging, degenerative disease, nutmeg, autophagy, cerebrum, p62, LC3.

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Effect of Nutmeg Extract Increases Expression of Synapsin, Synaptophysin, and BDNF in Cortex Cerebri of Aging Rat
Gusti Muhammad Sena Arimadhyaksa, Fifi Veronica,Hanna Goenawan, Ronny Lesmana, Keri Lestari, and Unang Supratman

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Gusti Muhammad Sena Arimadhyaksa

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Neurodegenerative disease, such as alzheimer, demensia, and parkinson, is a non communicable disease where the central nervous system including its cells stopped working in an individual. The prevalence of neurodegenerative disease has been continued to increase in number every year throughout the world. In Indonesia, the society believed many plants can act as a herbal medicine, which one of those are nutmeg, a seed which often used by elder people. Previous study showed nutmeg can increase the activity of peroxisome proliferator activated receptors γ (PPAR-γ) which might increase synaptic plasticity.In this study, we would like to explore the potential of nutmeg in maintaining synaptic plasticity in synaptic vesicles. Rats aged 10-11 weeks old were divided into two groups, the nutmeg and the control. Treatment were given to the rats by gavaging nutmeg extract daily for 12 weeks. When treatment was done, rats were anesthetized in order to take part of their cerebral cortex from the brain and stored in frozen storage at -80º C. Our present study showed nutmeg extract increased the activity of synaptic plasticity in a significant manner through the expression of synapsin, synaptophysin, and BDNF gene. Nutmeg extract acted as a ligand that activates PGC1-α, stimulates transmission in vesicles, and opens transmitter doors swiftly. This research may proves the potential of nutmeg extract as a supplement to prevent neurodegenerative disease in elderly people.

Neurodegenerative disease, nutmeg, PPAR-γ.

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Implementation of 2D Electrical Impedance Tomography Image Reconstruction
Hansen Leonard Andreas, Farkhad Ihsan Hariadi, Hasballah Zakaria

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Farkhad Hariadi

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jln. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia . e-mail : hariadi[at]

Abstract - Electrical Impendance Tomography is a method of reconstructing image pieces of an object by utilizing the objects conductivity feature. Image reconstruction is the last module of data processing on EIT after data stimulation and acquisition. At this stage used software MATLAB 2013a equipped with EIDORS v3.8 as the main tool. The main algorithm used is Forward Solver to convert the conductivity distribution value into boundary voltage and Inverse Solver which converts the boundary voltage value into conductivity distribution. In this module is used Finite Element Model as a mapping method on the observed spatial domain. Overall, the algorithm used refers to the Gauss-Newton Mathematical Minimization Algorithm algorithm coupled with NewtonRaphson Iteration to update the conductivity. The process will end when the difference between the FS yield voltage and the measuring voltage is below a tolerance value. In addition to image reconstruction,this module also comes with PC UART communication with FPGA using MATLAB and simulation on EIDORS. The additional feature of this module is to perform image reconstruction with 16 and 32 electrodes with manual inter-object separation with hyperparameters manually

EIT, EIDORS, Forward Solver, Inverse Solver, Image Reconstruction

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Dandu Satyanuarga; Dr. Ir. Rila Mandala, M. Eng.; Nugraha Priya Utama, S.T., M.A., Ph.D.

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Corresponding Author
Dandu Satyanuraga

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Bandung Institute of Technology
Jl. Ganesha No.10, Lb. Siliwangi, Coblong, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia

The application of image processing to measure the weight of pigs has been widely applied to simplify the process of animal care. This method utilizes image segmentation and statistical models. Many parameters are restrictions that make it difficult to efficiently use the previous method. The research carried out wants to cut the boundaries in taking pictures and apply them to cows and sheep. The purpose of this study is to develop technology in the industry in Indonesia, especially in factory farming. This study wants to simplify the measurement of animal weight by using machine learning models and regression methods. The existence of a model that can automatically simplify the work of farmers to care for animals or facilitate traders to determine the selling price of livestock. Mask R-CNN not only detect animal labels but also can detect and mark every pixel on the detection object. Regression models produce estimates of animal weight in the figure. The regression model used is the K-Nearest Neighbor regression model by utilizing the K-Means model to create clusters in each type of animal. The R-CNN mask model tested in this study can detect cattle and sheep in data taken with 100% accuracy. The regression model used in this study can reach an accuracy value of 98% for cattle and sheep. The weight prediction results obtained are very accurate with an error value in the form of an estimated difference with the original weight of less than 10%.

Mask R-CNN, Regression, Estimate weight, Cow, Sheep

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode as an Electrochemical Biosensor for Glucose Detection
Lavita Nuraviana Rizalputri (a*), Marvel Sugi H (a), Raih Rona Althof (a), Isa Anshori (a), Rizki Yuniasari (b), and Brian Yuliarto (b)(c)

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Corresponding Author
Lavita Rizalputri

a) Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Department of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
c) Research Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Glucose is one of the most important substances for medical check-up. Therefore, many studies are being done to find technology that can carry out research-level analysis and fast way to detect glucose. Making a portable sensor that can properly support the results of sample testing is a solution to this problem. Screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) is a common portable strip sensor based on electrochemical method. However, the working electrodes from carbon-based SPE must be modified with additional material to improve the performance. Many factors determine the modification such as the deposition method and the material itself. In this study, the working electrode of SPCE was modified by making a film through simple drop-casting method. From the experiment, SPCE that modified with carbon nanomaterial paste (Graphene-Polyurethane) show performance improvement for electrochemical analysis, but not enough to detect glucose. Thus SPCE was modified by cobalt metal organic framework (Co-MOF) nanomaterial to be able to detect glucose non enzymatically. It has a characteristic error measurement of 1.7% and selective to glucose when compared with urea and NaCl. This data is obtained with electrochemical testing such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV).

biosensor, electrochemistry, glucose, screen-printed carbon electrode

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Internet of Things using Machine Learning
Galih Fajar Ramadhan, Betty Elisabeth Manurung, Hugi Reyhandani Munggaran, Allya Paramita Koesoema

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Corresponding Author
Galih Fajar Ramadhan

Biomedical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatic, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

According to International Diabetes Federation, Indonesia ranked 6th in country with highest diabetes patient in the world. Now, the measurement of blood glucose in Indonesia mostly done in invasive manner, which is expensive, painful, and impractical. Moreover, according to Indonesia-s Ministry of Health, there are more diabetes patient in rural areas, who have economic shortages and limited access to health care. So, a cheap and easy to use non-invasive blood glucose measurement system is needed to solve this problem. One of the current trends for developing non-invasive blood glucose measurement is the use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR). In this paper, we discuss the development of a NIR based blood glucose monitor. The device-s sensor consists of a pair of LED and photodiode which transmit and receive light with wavelength of 940 nm. The light intensity reading from the sensor will be amplified and filtered to reduce noise, then transmitted to the smartphone. In the smartphone application, the reading result will be converted to blood glucose level using a machine learning model embedded in the application. The model used in this final project is a sequential, layer-based neural network model provided by Keras. The model was built and trained on top of TensorFlow, and then converted for mobile use with the help of TensorFlow Lite. The model achieved an acceptable result with Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 5.855 mg/dL.

diabetes; blood glucose level; NIR Spectroscopy; Machine Learning; Internet of Things

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Quantify Brainwave Mu(µ) Rhythm and Beta(β) Rhythm on Motoric Area during Repetitive Flexy and Extension movement on the Right Arm.
Suprijanto (b), Muhammad Aslam F(a). Lulu L. Fitri(a), Ayu Gareta R(b)

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Corresponding Author
Mr Suprijanto

a). School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia
b). Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia
e-mail: lfitri[at], supri[at]

The repetitive movements such as repetitive flexy and extension muscle activities is one of approach for recovering and improving a brain activity in the coordination aspect of motoric, attention and cognitive process. Repetitive movements exercise for a long-time simulation workload is well known to improve all three aspects. Therefore, a short duration repetitive movement study was carried out without the burden of brain activity. This study aims to determine the effect of right arm extension-flexion-repetitive movements on the spectral activity of power and the tendency of brain waves µ and β frequency in motor areas in both hemispheres. EEG signal measurements are performed at the motor centres of the brain in the C3 (left hemisphere) and C4 (right hemisphere) canals of 3 narcotics who performed the flexion-extension flexion right arm repetitive movements in 3 training sessions each for 4 minutes. Brain wave activity data are processed into power spectral averages and wave frequencies µ (8-13 Hz) and β waves (14-30 Hz). Based on the analysis of the power spectral mean there was a decrease in the spectral power of the µ and β waves in the C3 and C4 channels for three training sessions. A decrease in wave power µ indicates an increasingly active neuron condition; conversely, a decrease in β wave power indicates a decrease in attention level. Statistically, during the 3 training sessions there was a marked difference in the decrease in the spectral mean power of the µ wave in the C3 channel and the β wave in the C3 and C4 channels (p <0.05), as well as a noticeable difference in the spectral mean power of the µ and β waves between the hemispheres (p <0.05). The average wave frequencies µ and β are at low frequencies and have decreased between movement sessions. During the three training sessions, there was a significant difference in the decrease in mean µ wave frequency in C4 channel and β wave in both channels (p <0.05), as well as a noticeable difference in mean wave frequency µ between hemispheres (p <0.05). From this study, we found that during repetitive flexion-extension of the right arm, the power spectral and low-frequency mu wave in the motor areas in both hemispheres tend to decrease. This result is related to the desynchronization of the neuron on the motoric area. On the other hand, decreasing the power spectral of the beta wave is during repetitive movement that represents decreased attention.

Electroencephalography, repetitive movement, brainwave mu, brainwave beta, motoric area

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Quantifying Pattern Activity and Fatigues on forearm Muscle during Repetitive flexy and extension movement using open device wireless surface EMG
Suprijanto (a),Meissy Trikotami E(b), Lulu L. Fitri (b), Azizah S. Noor(a)

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Corresponding Author
Mr Suprijanto

a). Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia
b). School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132 Indonesia
e-mail: supri[at], lfitri[at]

Basic exercises of repetitive movement forearm in the long term can form a pattern of muscle activity. This exercise is often used as part of rehabilitation therapy for people with lost basic forearm movement due to paralysis. In many cases of rehabilitation exercise, a specific procedure must be performed which is depend on the people condition. One of problems in repetitive exercise is the emergence of muscle fatigue. This condition must be prediction before a decrease in the capacity of the muscles to perform motor tasks on an ongoing basis. Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is a technique for measuring muscle activity that can be used to predict muscle fatigue. This study aims to determine the pattern of biceps brachii muscle activity and to find an indication of muscle fatigue in repetitive movements. The open device wireless sEMG was configured to support forearm rehabilitation exercise without limitation movement due to sEMG wiring problem. In this study three healthy narcotics were asked to take arm extension flexion exercises. The exercise consists of three sessions where each session is 4-minutes long with a 1-minute break between sessions. The sEMG signal is taken at the biceps brachii portion and customized signal processing scheme was used to determine the mean power frequency (MPF) of the signal as one of sEMG feature for the indication of muscle fatigue. The three volunteers show different patterns of muscle activity. Volunteer-1 shows an increasingly clear and accurate pattern of muscle contraction-relaxation, while Volunteer- 2 shows a pattern of contraction-relaxation that gets faster along with repetition of movement. Conversely, the pattern of contraction-relaxation in Volunteer-3 cannot be clearly distinguished. The analysis showed a tendency for MPF to decrease at the beginning and end of the exercise, as well as at the beginning and end of each session. Based on statistical tests, the decrease in MPF values that occurred at the beginning and end of each session of the three narcotics was not significantly different (p> 0.05). The decrease in MPF values that occurred at the beginning and end of the training of Volunteer-1 and 3 was significantly different (p <0.05), but in Volunteer-2 the decrease was not significantly different (p> 0.05). A decrease in MPF values indicates muscle fatigue which can be caused by several possible mechanisms of decreasing muscle cell sensitivity. From this study, it can be concluded that the pattern of muscle activity of each individual is different and the flexion extension of the arm extension repetitively indicates the presence of muscle fatigue.

Biceps brachii, muscle fatigue, mean power frequency, repetitive movement, Surface Electromyography

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Respiratory Rate Extraction Based on Plethysmographic Wave Analysis
Sugondo Hadiyoso(a*), Ervin Masita Dewi (b,c), Tati Latifah E. R. Mengko (b), Hasballah Zakaria (b)

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Corresponding Author
Sugondo Hadiyoso

(a*) Bandung Institute of Technology and Telkom University
(b) Bandung Institute of Technology
(c) Bandung State Polytechnic

Respiratory rate (RR) is one of the vital parameters of a persons health. In certain conditions such as patients with respiratory problems or heart who are in the treatment room, respiratory rate monitoring is carried out continuously. In health care centers such as hospitals, RR measurements use a bed side monitor. However, this device is not yet widely available in small scale health services such as Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) because this device is expensive. One alternative for RR extraction is through plethysmographic wave analysis measured using a photopletismograph (PPG) device. This is based on the hypothesis that breathing affects the dynamics of PPG wave amplitude modulation so that by extracting this information we can know the respiratory rate. PPG devices are widely available in small health services because of their low prices. Meanwhile, PPG is only used to measure heart rate and oxygen saturation. In this study, a method for extracting RR information is proposed by analyzing PPG waves. Two methods, namely empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and variational mode decomposition (VMD), are applied to obtain respiratory oscillation information. The aim is to get the most optimum method for RR extraction. The performance test of the two proposed methods was carried out through time-frequency domain transformation using Fast Fourier Transform. The method used in this study is expected to be applied to conventional PPG devices.

EMD; PPG; respiration rate; VMD

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


The Use of Near-Infrared Spectrometer to Analyze Baby Food Instant Porridge for Obtaining Regression Parameters
Sandra Dian P.1,2, Allya P. Koesoema2,3, Yoke S. Irawan2, 3, Soegijardjo Soegijoko1,2 ; , , ,

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Corresponding Author
Sandra Dian Pratiwi

[1]. Electrical Eng. Dept., Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
[2]. Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES), Bandung, Indonesia
[3]. Biomedical Engineering Dept., Institut Teknologi Bandung

Background: According to UNICEF (The United Nations International Children&

Near-InfraRed, Spectrometer, Malnutrition, Food Analysis, Instant Porridge, Linier Regression

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Towards the Design and Implementation of Near – Infrared Spectrometer for Milk Nutritional Analysis
Novia Agatha(1,2), Allya P. Koesoema(2,3), Yoke S. Irawan(2,3), Soegijardjo Soegijoko(1,2)

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Corresponding Author
Novia Agatha

[1]. Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung
[2]. Indonesian Biomedical Engineering Society (IBES), Bandung, Indonesia
[3]. Biomedical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Email addresses: novia_agatha[at]; apkoesoema[at]; yokesaadia[at]; soegi[at]

Background: Child and infant malnutrition is an important issue in Indonesia, with more than 17% of children suffering malnutrition. According to WHO, around 45% of deaths among under-5 children are linked to under-nutrition, primarily in low and middle-income countries. Milk is one of the most essential nutrition for children. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to develop a simple and easy-to-use device that measures the nutritional content of milk using Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy. Practical use of this NIR spectrometer is intended to help preventing malnutrition and death of toddlers in Indonesia. Method: An existing commercial SCiO Spectrometer operating at 740-1050 nm wavelength range was initially used to measure different types of milk samples. Then, spectrum data processing of the results was conducted using the multi-linear regression technique, to determine the regression parameters for protein, sugar, and fat. These parameters will be used in the newly designed low-cost NIR spectrometer using near-infrared LED and phototransistor, with diffused interactance method. Results: 38 different samples of 13 different brands with varying flavors were measured using the SCiO spectrometer. The results were: (a). darker samples produced lower absorbance than brighter samples, (b). the distance between sensors and samples during sample measurement also affected the outcome, (c). powder and liquid sample conditions could be distinguished from the spectrum measurement results. Conclusion: The SCiO Spectrometer can be used to provide milk quality information. The resulted regression parameters will be used to develop a new simple NIR Spectrometer that can be easily used by non-expert.

Near-Infrared, Spectrometer, Milk, Nutrition, Regression analysis

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


Faris Dinulhaq1), Rizki Putra Prastio2), Tati Latifah R. Mengko2), Ali Budi Harsono3), Bethy S. Hernowo3), Marselina Irasonia Tan1)

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Corresponding Author
Marselina Irasonia Tan

1) School of Life Sciences and Technology-Institut Teknologi Bandung
2) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics – Institut Teknologi Bandung
3) Hasan Sadikin Hospital & Medical School-Padjadjaran University

Cancer is a disease caused by cell proliferation abnormalities. One of the methods that can be used to overcome this disease is by removing the cancerous tissue. Identification of cancer tissue in the operation stage (intraoperative consultation) is an important stage for the surgeon to determine the next action. Until now, tissue identification in intraoperative consultation is still done manually using cryosection methods. The cryosection method is reported to have fairly good accuracy in the identification of cancerous tissue. However, the accuracy of this method is very dependent on the experience and skill of the doctors, so this method is very vulnerable to human error. To overcome this problem, a standardized identification method for a cancer tissue in intraoperative consultation is needed to reduce the human error. The development of cancer identification methods by using tissue permittivity at microwave frequencies in recent years has shown quite promising results. This is because the measurement of tissue permittivity using microwave frequencies can be performed several times without damaging the samples. In addition, several studies on several types of cancer showed differences in tissue permittivity between cancerous and normal tissue. Until now there are no studies that report the application of this method, especially for intraoperative consultation for ovarian cancer. To answer the problem, this study aims to create and test the tool that been made that can distinguish cancerous and normal tissue based on the tissue permittivity value using microwaves frequencies. Besides being able to minimize human error, the device is designed to be portable and able to provide diagnostic results faster than the cryosection method. The initial stage of this research is the production of the tools. The device that has been made is then tested for the ability to differentiate tissue based on water content parameters and tissue type before measuring cancer samples. Measurements are made every 0,002 GHz in the microwave frequency ranging from 8,2 to 12,4 GHz or around 2000 measurement points using TE10 measurement method. The measurement results then processed using the TPS (transmission phase shift) method to determine the permittivity value. The next stage is the measurement of ovarian tissue samples (n=12) obtained from Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung. The tissue obtained was identified by RSHS medical doctor diagnosis. Fresh sample from the surgery is then measured in less than 2 hours. The permittivity values of each tissue are then compared and their significance is tested using statistical analysis. The tool that designed was successfully made in a relatively smaller dimension (6,28 x 23,5 x 2,11 cm) that made this tool portable. Measurement of tissue samples using this tool is done within ± 5 minutes from sample preparation until the results came out, so this tool can analyze tissue samples faster than the cryosection method which ge

microwaves, permittivity, ovarian cancer

Biomedical, Robotic and ICT engineering


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